Better for Communities and Business

Delivering the Vision

This section of the Partnership Plan focuses on the Vision for Dartmoor to be A great place to live and work: People of all ages can enjoy living and working in low carbon, flourishing communities that are connected physically and digitally. Farming and forestry businesses play a key role in delivering a high-quality environment and local products alongside a range of other public benefits’, as well as ‘Carbon negative:’ and there are specific strands to this section that directly support other elements of the Vision.


Dartmoor is home to around 35,000 people, and a place of work for around 10,000 people. As with many rural areas, the National Park is characterised by an ageing population and workforce; net out-commuting to surrounding areas for work; rural isolation; lack of sustainable transport and connectivity; difficulties accessing services and facilities; high house prices; and low wages; which all present implications and opportunities in terms of the needs of local communities and businesses. The implications of climate change also bring challenges and opportunities and will require a concerted and collective response.

The current business profile is, however, very diverse in nature and this depth underpins its strength and resilience. Dartmoor has a wealth of natural and cultural capital which provide opportunities for future innovation and prosperity. The National Park provides an attractive place to live and work; and the network of settlements provide opportunities for meeting the needs of local communities and businesses whilst conserving and enhancing Dartmoor’s special qualities
