Habitats Regulation Assessment

The Management Plan has also been subject to a Habitats Regulation Assessment (known as an Appropriate Assessment). This process provides for the protection of European sites (also known as Natura 2000 or N2K sites), these are sites Marsh Fritillarywhich are of exceptional importance in respect of rare, endangered or vulnerable natural habitats and species within the European Community. Such sites include Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) which comprise 25,452 ha (27%) of Dartmoor National Park.

Duty to co-operate

The duty to cooperate was enshrined in law through part 110 of the Localism Act 2011. Whilst the duty primarily relates to the Local Plan, there is a requirement that it is also satisfied on an ongoing basis in exercising the functions of Local Authorities and other organisations, including co-operation on matters of plan and strategy preparation. A draft Protocol on the Duty to Co-operate amongst the Devon Planning Authorities identified the Management Plan as one of the strategic documents where co-operation is required.  As the Management Plan is a 'Plan for Dartmoor', it has been developed in close consultation with partners including Devon County Council, West Devon Borough Council, South Hams District Council, and Teignbridge District Council. This has included:

  • Consultation with the local authorities over their strategic priorities and contribution to delivery of the action plans
  • Co-operation over the use of monitoring data and shared research
  • Involvement of local authority officers and members in the three workshops
  • Involvement of local authority members of the National Park Authority
  • Consulting the local authorities over the SEA scoping.
  • Consulting the local authorities on the draft Management Plan